
Energy medallions
Doc’s Rocks
…next level gemstone frequency medallions

Why Gemstones?
Scientific Truth:
- Most bodily functions are hormonally driven at some point.
- Vitamins and minerals nurture the body and provide raw materials the body needs for hormonal and cellular functions.
- However is it the raw materials and or various hormones that do the work or is it really the frequencies they carry?
It follows that if all these emit frequencies then the best quality frequencies would come from the highest quality materials. Yet, what happens if the quality of our diet is suspect? Or, if a person is affected by environmental toxins?
Answer: Lower quality frequencies that lead to disease.
This website is dedicated to the pursuit of alternative modalities that focus on restoration both physically and spiritually. This is why I offer a precise nutritional evaluation and also the specially formulated gemstone medallions on this page.
I prefer gemstone medallions over frequency patches and essential oils because they fizzle out after time and must be repurchased. Medallions never wear out and only need to be recharged by putting them in direct sunlight from time to time.
Gemstones each have a specific frequency which we all can benefit from if only we could know the effect of those frequencies. I have done the research so that each medallion will operate on the mark of its designed purpose.
The medallions that I have designed are in two camps. Some being wellness-focused and some designed to buffer emotional and spiritual static so you can gain an edge as you seek greater intimacy with God.
The rectangle shaped ones are 2″x 1″. The largest “Unlocking 3D Reality” is 2-3/4″ diameter.
Prices include tax & shipping. USA only.
Wellness Tier 1: Day & Night Set

The energy and rest/focus set of two: dark for energy, clear/light for rest.
DAY: Energy: Specially formulated to release energy frequencies that sustain vitality. My test group has reported greater focus, needing less sleep, and sustained daily energy. Therefore, be careful to take this off by 6pm and switch to the rest/focus medallion. These also block up to 65% of EMFs.
>>Indicate Day Energy Light or Dark in the PayPal Message Box.
NIGHT: Rest/Focus: Specially formulated to help a person relax and bring greater mental clarity in the evening and sleeping hours. Some EMF blocking.
Wellness Tier 2: Specialty Medallions
These help restore the frequency balance of those who suffer from named diseases. These are to be viewed as an alternative adjunct to what your medical doctor is helping you with and not to be used in the place of your doctor.
Each of these block 65-70% of EMFs.

Medallion Options (7):
>>Adjust the Quantity as needed, and list the medallions you desire in the PayPal Message box.
- Pain Assist
- Sleep Assist w/EMF Blocking
- ADD/ADHD Assist
- Diabetes Assist
- Immunity Assist
- Weight Assist
- Eyesight Assist
Spiritual Tier 1: Specialty Medallions
These help connect with Father through His son Jesus as the only door. Be ready for God to do something very special and personal each time you engage heaven with any of these medallions.
Each of these block 65-70% of EMFs.
Quantum Heart
“As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” This is our real center of thinking. The heart is also the point of convergence of all our realms (body, soul, and spirit) where information is processed. This medallion clears the filters and static that could block vital information that heaven is passing on to us.
This is a 3 in 1 medallion that allows us to engage creative essence, God’s light, and our arche which ties into God’s plan for our life. As with all medallions, it is our intention that makes each more effective.
Engage Holy Fire
This medallion seems to clear the air as we seek to engage God’s holy fire. God’s fire is real and it is a necessary agent in moving us to a greater level of repentance and holiness. Having this medallion helps a person focus on the reality of God’s holy fire, and how it purifies us.
This medallion helps us be much more aware of the reality of the spirit realm. As with all medallions, our intention should be to engage our Creator and his plan for our life. Seeing can help us embrace the reality of that plan.
Engage Glory
God’s glory is as real as His presence and His fire. Having this medallion helps us tune in on that very glory and benefit from the streams of information and blessing it may contain.
Quantum Emotional Realm
This medallion helps us focus on Father’s heart and His emotional spectrum that serves as the foundation of our very own.

Medallion Options (7):
>>Adjust the Quantity as needed, and list the medallions you desire in the PayPal Message box.
- Quantum Heart
- Ephod (Priestly Breastplate to use when ministering to yourself or others.)
- Essence/Light/Arche
- Engage Holy Fire
- Seer
- Engage Glory
- Quantum Emotional Realm
Spiritual Tier 2: Sacred Medallions
These help connect with Father through His son Jesus as the only door. Be ready for God to do something very special and personal each time you engage heaven with any of these medallions.
Each of these block 65-70% of EMFs.
The Mazzaroth Medallion:
Whereas the Ephod (priestly breastplate) is helpful in prayer, worship, and seeking intimacy…the Mazzaroth is more about connecting to your role in heavenly government. Great to wear when administrating from your Mountain of Authority and while engaging the heavenly courtrooms or realms.
Being symbolic of government, the Mazzaroth is designed to help you clear any static so that you can operate more effectively in your governmental role.
The Mazzeroth will also bring clarity as you engage to frame governmental potential and new timelines as you discover that the future is already programmed into the very cosmos if you dare to press in and possess it.
Unlocking 3D Reality
We are all born being locked into the principles and timelines of 3D reality. Fortunately as sons and daughters we don’t need to stay that way. This medallion helps bring clarity as we press into new creation directives and blueprints. These directives and blueprints allow us to rule from the future as we pull new timelines from the heavenly realms that replace the old 3D timelines.

Medallion Options:
>>Adjust the Quantity as needed, and list the medallions you desire in the PayPal Message box.
- Mazzaroth
- Unlocking 3D Reality
Spiritual Tier 3: Destiny Medallion
This medallion is made from a personal voice print. It takes hours of testing and then those gemstones help you tie into your destiny. And, this is what heaven says your destiny is. It is a perfect companion to wear with one other topic specialty or sacred medallion.
For example: You want to engage God’s glory…wearing the Destiny medallion with the Engage Glory medallion to help clarify which part of the glory stream is best for you.
This medallion also blocks 65-70% of EMFs, and is 2″x 1″ in size.

Medallion Options:
>>Adjust the Quantity as needed.
After you complete your order, please email me a short, 1-minute voice sample. State your name, where you live, and how you discovered me. Email to Support@DocRodich.com

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